
Our Philosophy. Our Future.

The industrial complex of Piaggione has in the past been one of the first industries which has put water at the base of their production, exploiting kinetic force. We wanted to carry on this philosophy, redeveloping the area and integrating the water in our production process.

In our new establishment we use renewable energy produced by the hydroelectric plant and the latest generation of printing machines which stamp water-based inks.

All of this to minimize harmful emissions and environmental impact.




14000 square meters of green area are part of our new factory.



18000 mq which will accommodate the production department and the warehouse.



The water will be the green engine driving force of our company.

Our New Home

The main building, just one floor used for the production (with the various sectors of spinning, twisting and packaging), occupies an area of 14.320 squares meters.

The office building, where once there was also the sample room and the sample workers, the building of the “keeper” and several buildings on the storage of raw and semi-processed materials required at the time of spinning.

All this will come back to live with the new pressroom, laminating, cutting and welding, as well as the packaging and production of thermal bags, a field in which the IC is the undisputed leader in the national and international market.


A story older than 100 years

Il cotonificio del gruppo Frati, “Cotonoficio Oliva”, infatti, fino a pochi anni fa dava lavoro a una cinquantina di operai. Piaggione, frazione del Comune di Lucca, è stato fondato proprio attorno alla fabbrica di filati che lo rese a suo tempo innovativo in senso urbanistico.

All’epoca si sfruttava soprattutto la forza motrice dell’acqua, che si trasformò ben presto in energia elettrica, grazie alla centrale idroelettrica presente nella fabbrica.

Nello stabilimento di Piaggione confluiva forza lavoro da quasi tutta la Garfagnana tramite un efficiente servizio di trasporto che ad ogni turno conduceva i dipendenti da e per le loro località di residenza.